2558 Greenwood Ln Suite A

Cameron Park, CA 95682

Cameron Park

(916) 846-5939

1273 High Street

Auburn, CA 95650


(916) 846-5939


Loving Start Learning Center

Our Alumni

At Loving Start Learning Center™, we consider ourselves a family. 

When a family enters our doors, we are vested. We want to dig in and become part of that fold. That means that even when their child graduates from our one of our centers, we still feel like their child is still a part of our family.

These are our some of our alumni. We love knowing what’s happening with our grads, even 20 years later. So if you’re a grad or have a child who is, share their info. We want to stay connected!


Attended 2001 one or our first four students

Now, He has been happily married for four years and currently leads worship at a church in Newark, Ca.


We started with only 4 students, way back when.

Cristina was one of those first four students. This was Cristina then and now.


Attended 2002
He is a successful Entrepreneur running his own company. Spencerfarman.com


Attended 2004
Now, Wyatte lives in Washington serving his country as a USAF airman.


Attended in 2006

Now, Colbey works full time at a Garage Epoxy floor company.


Attended 2008
Now, Gabi is still in high school excited to finish up. She hopes to one day become a therapist and work with teens.


Attended in 2008


Attended in 2010
Our family’s favorite things about Loving Start were the loving, amazing teachers they had, the school environment and surroundings, and all of the animals. Both of our girls enjoyed the pony riding and being able to feed the animals, definitely things they wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do at your average preschool and kindergarten. It was an amazing place for them to start their education and we feel so blessed to have been a part of the Loving Start family. -Candace McCarty


Attended in 2006

Something that I will always cherish about Loving Start is they way you allowed Kendra to be herself, taking her time to join in and allowing her to explore. The environment was so nurturing and fun and a place I always felt comfortable! Thank you!!
Dianna (Kendra’s Mom)


Attended in 2006
After two failed attempts at getting Avalon to accept other preschools, the third try was Loving Start. That morning she reached her arms out to Miss Diana and never looked back. Her favorite earliest memories were playing with shaving cream in the trays, the art projects and the front lawn halloween costume parades. Her love of learning started with Miss Diana and now she’s a first year Cal Poly business major.


Attended in 2008
At Age 14 “My favorite memory is riding Ruby the horse!” -Keira Miles


Attended 2011
At Age 11 “My favorite memory is playing in the sandbox at Loving Start!” -Nolan Miles


Attended 2015
“I loved activities at Loving Start! The teachers were great and it was a happy place for me.” -Logan Violet


Attended 2018


Attended 2019

At Age 7 One of my favorite memories of SS was their Christmas/holiday program. The girls were so cute up there on stage singing and dancing. The teachers put so much time and effort into a great show and it always turned out great! We love and miss SS so much!
-Erin (Presley’s Mom)